David Halliday - Repenses-y si tu veux (Think again about it if you want)

Country - France     Player- Xavier

Repenses aux douces minutes
Quelques instants de purs moments loin de nos disputes
Repenses aux intenses lueurs
Aux doux contacts loin de l’impact du vide intérieur

Repenses-y si tu veux
Lorsque tu ne peux plus te taire
Et lorsque regarder en arrière reste le seul lien entre nous deux
Repenses-y si tu veux
Lorsque tu n’as plus de repères
Et si vraiment tout a été offert aux caprices de tes yeux
Repenses-y si tu veux
Si tu veux

Repenses à ces images
Où les pardons sont des questions aux étendues sans grillages
Repenses même aux silences
Plus forts que les mots laissés au repos face aux évidences

Repenses-y si tu veux...

Think again about the sweet minutes

Some instants of pure moments far from our quarrels

Think again about the intense gleams

About the sweet contact far from impact of interior emptiness


Think again about it if you want

When you can’t be silent anymore

And when looking back remains the only link between the two of us

Think again about it if you want

When you have no mark anymore

And if really everything has been offered your eyes’ caprices


Think again about these pictures

Where pardons are questions with areas without gratings

Even think again about the silences

Stronger than words let at rest in front of obviousnesses


Think again about it if you want...



Player's comments: The singer, David Hallyday, is the son of two of the most popular French singers, Johnny Hallyday and Sylvie Vartan. He started his career about 15 years ago singins in English, and later in French. Songs of his which got success are quite numerous. "Repenses-y si tu veux" is the first ingle of his latest album. He has co-written this song with Peggy Cyell.