Edyta Górniak - Nie prosze o wiecej

Country - Poland     Player- Pawel


Nie mów ¿e dzisiaj nie koñczy sie œwiat
¯e ból kiedyœ minie, zagoi rany czas
Nie mów, ¿e jeszcze przede mn¹ jest wci¹¿
To co najpiêkniejsze, jak mam uwierzyæ w to

Nie proszê o wiêcej ni¿ mo¿esz mi daæ
Czy jeszcze kiedyœ powtórzy siê
co zdarzy³o siê nam (co zdarzy³o siê nam)

Tyle jest we mnie nieposk³adanych myœli
I uczuæ tak mocnych, jakich nie zna³am nigdy wczeœniej
Wiêc nie ka¿ mi zrozumieæ; nie umiem i nie chcê
Wci¹¿ mam nadziejê, ¿e czasem myœlisz o mnie

Nie proszê o wiêcej ni¿ mo¿esz mi daæ
Czy jeszcze kiedyœ powtórzy siê
co zdarzy³o siê nam (co zdarzy³o siê nam)

Nie proszê o wiêcej zbyt dobrze ciê znam
Coraz krórszy wstaje dzieñ, œwiat sk³ada g³owê do snu
I nic nie zatrzyma ju¿ jesieni
Tak pragnê uœpiæ sw¹ pamiêæ, zmys³om czunoœæ odebraæ
By jakoœ jesieñ tê przetrwaæ


Don't say that the world doesn't end today
That the pain will pass someday and time will heal this wound
Don't say that it's still before me
all the beautifull whiles; how can I believe in that

I don't ask more than you can give me
If once again it will happen
what was happen to us (what was happen to us)

There's so much unorderly thoughts in me
and so stong emotions which I didn't know before
So don't get me understand; I can't and I don't want
I still hope you think sometimes about me

I don't ask more than you can give me
If once again it will happen
what was happen to us (what was happen to us)

I don't ask more. I know you too much
The days are shorter and shorter,
all the world go to sleep
And nothing stop the autumn

I want so much to put to sleep my memory
to throw my reason off his guard
for survive somehow this autumn


Player's comments: She was born on November 14th, 1972
her career was began in the first polish musical "Metro" prepared on the statge by
Janusz Józefowicz and Janusz Stok³osa on 1991. Edyta played one of the main characters.
She sung there few hit songs, first of its - "Litania" - incredible show of her vocal art.
Then she has sung in other spectacle prepared by J. Jozefowicz for the theatre "Buffo":
"Do graj¹cej szafy grosik wrzuc" (with the songs from 50-60's)
In 1993 she won 3rd prize in Baltic Festival in Karlsham (Sweden)
and in 1994 she was 2nd in Eurovision Song Contest.
This year she also gave a wonderful show during the Sopot Festival and the Polish Song Festival in Opole (Karol Musiol's prize).
Next year she was released her first cd album "Dotyk" with her esc entry "To nie ja" and other
polish hit "Jestem kobiet¹" (I'm a woman).
In London she recorded her international album in english released in 1997 called just "Edyta Gorniak"
including her international hit single "When you come back to me".
She sung the songs for the different movies: polish version of songs from Disney's "Pocahontas",
"Ogniem i mieczem" (in duo with Mietek Szczesniak).
In 1999 she released the next album "Live'99".
Last year Edyta released the double cd album "Perla". On the first cd she sung 7 songs in polish,
on second one 13 songs in english (some of its are english version of polish songs from 1st cd).
Nie prosze o wiecej was written by other polish singer Edyta Bartosiewicz.
More news about Edyta you can find (also in english) on her web site.